Pack Your Bags Travel & Tours, Inc.
Pinckney, MI 48169
ph: (734) 589-0211
What could be better than sharing the thrill of travel? Why not plan a group trip? Bring family, friends or any other group of people along for the ride.
Let's play this scenario as if you are the organizer. The more you get, the more the possibility of your trip will cost you next to nothing.
Contact Pack Your Bags Travel & Tours, Inc. and find out how you can organize your next group vacation.
This was a group of 28 in Playa del Carmen, Mexico Oct. 2015
If you have a core group of friends or family that you spend a lot of time with, you may want to consider taking a group vacation. With careful planning, patience, and a lot of communication between all parties, you can put together a group vacation that will be filled with good memories of fun times had bay all – and your friendship will still be intact after the vacation is over.
If you decide to take a group vacation, first get the parties together discuss some of the parameters of the trip – such as time of year, type of trip (ocean, mountain, skiing, etc) you will be taking. We then suggest appointing a leader, either by having someone volunteer, or by voting. This person will become the main point of contact for everyone involved in the trip – from participants to vendors (hotels, restaurant reservations, etc.).
This is where we come in. We will hold your space, we will collect your groups money, we will receipt everyone individually so very little responsibility is on the group leader. We will rely on group leader to help fill the space. The benefit to this is free travel for the group leader. With our newsletter, facebook business page and all affiliations, we will help make this group a success. You will reap the benefits and enjoy the trip with your friends and family.
This is a great option also for Corporate groups as well. Who dosen't like to conduct business while in a beautiful location.
Give us a call or email us and see what we can do for your group or family.
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Pack Your Bags Travel & Tours, Inc.
Pinckney, MI 48169
ph: (734) 589-0211